Ricin antidote
Ricin antidote

The antibodies will be generated using a modified form of the ricin toxin, developed by Soligenix. This platform is currently used to manufacture two of the company’s currently marketed products, CroFab® and DigiFab®. This specialized manufacturing process generates binding fragments from antibodies that are specific to a given antigen, helping to ensure potency and purity. To develop the ricin antidote, SERB will leverage its unique broad spectrum polyclonal antibody platform, gained in its acquisition of BTG Specialty Pharmaceuticals. There is an unmet need for protection against this highly potent toxin for which there is no vaccine or therapeutic intervention available. Take care to protect yourself from exposure by using rubber gloves, tongs or other such objects.Philadelphia, J(GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - SERB Pharmaceuticals has signed a worldwide exclusive license to use an antigen from Soligenix to develop a novel therapeutic treatment for ricin poisoning. Then enclose that bag in another plastic bag and seal it too. Dispose of any exposed clothing by sealing it in a plastic bag.If your eyes have been exposed, rinse them with lots of water for 10 to 15 minutes. Use soap and water to rinse skin exposed to ricin.After you are away from the suspected source of ricin, remove any clothing that may have ricin on it.While waiting for emergency medical help, follow these guidelines, which are offered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: There's no vaccine or antidote for ricin poisoning. No widely available, reliable test exists to confirm exposure to ricin. Even a small amount of ricin may be fatal. The poison can kill within three days of exposure. Ingested ricin causes intestinal bleeding and organ damage. Inhaled ricin causes fever, chest tightness, cough and severe respiratory problems, including fluid buildup in the lungs (pulmonary edema). Signs and symptoms of ricin poisoning depend on whether a person inhales or ingests ricin.

Ricin antidote